At 37 weeks, you're 9 months meaning with the end in sight.

Your baby is practicing special skills this week (like sucking his thumb and grasping) that he'll show off upon his inflow.

At your next prenatal engagement, your practitioner volition likely bank check your cervix for clues about how you're progressing.

Your Baby at Week 37

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At week 37, your no-longer little peach is ripe and set up — in fact, even if she arrived a tad earlier than expected, she wouldn't exist considered premature. Still, she's smart to stay put — which, like most babies, she's likely to do. With just three more than weeks to become inside her uterine dwelling house, she'll manage to pack on a pound or more than — rounding out frame and rounding upward her birthweight…happily, without you lot having to gain another ounce.

By at present information technology's likely your soonhoped-for-born baby has rotated south to a head-starting time position. Non all babies make this down turn…about 3 to iv percentage of fetuses opt to stay stubbornly in the upright — or breech — position. If this is your first pregnancy, there's a chance your little i's head has or will shortly drop into your pelvis in a procedure that'due south called engagement — or "lightening", since it lightens the pressure level on your long-cramped diaphragm.

Engagement as well means that your little bundle is locked and loaded and in position for deviation — even if that departure isn't scheduled for two or more weeks. Baby hasn't dropped yet? Non to worry. She'll brand her way down and out eventually, merely in her own sweet time. Second babies almost e'er expect to exercise their dropping until the labor party gets started.

Feeling fewer punches and kicks? The fact that baby'southward dropped is ane reason. Her likewise-squished-to-motility quarters is another. Or it could be that she's doing some more regular snoozing — clocking in long cycles of twenty to forty minutes of shut-heart. Allow'southward promise she keeps that up in one case she'due south on the outside.

What's keeping her busy while she bides her time earlier D-mean solar day? She's sucking her pollex to do her nursing skills, brushing up on her breathing by inhaling and exhaling amniotic fluid, and blinking to prepare to protect her eyes once she's built-in. She'southward also decorated accumulating more fat, forming dimples in those cute elbows, knees, and shoulders, and adorable creases and folds in the neck and wrists. Bet you can't wait to kiss those dimples and cuddle those creases! It won't be long now.

At a Glance

Apparel rehearsal

If your babe were born this calendar week, he'd still be early term just will be full-term by week 39. He's practicing for his one thousand entrance past inhaling and exhaling amniotic fluid, blinking and turning from side to side.

Hang on!

Your baby has developed more dexterity in his fingers. He tin now grasp onto smaller objects, similar a toe or his olfactory organ.

More thumbsucking

Your baby is probable sucking his pollex a lot these days in grooming for his feeding sessions later birth.

37 weeks significant is how many months?

If you're 37 weeks significant, yous're in month 9 of your pregnancy. Only a few weeks left to go! Even so accept questions? Here'southward some more information on how weeks, months and trimesters are broken down in pregnancy.

How big is my baby at 37 weeks?

At 37 weeks pregnant, your baby's still packing on near a half an ounce per day or half a pound a week. In fact, until the stop of calendar week 38, he's technically considered "early on term." At this age, the boilerplate fetus weighs about 6 pounds — though boys are likely to be heavier at nascency than girls.

Baby's stretching and moving

It's a footling crowded in your uterus, and so he may not exist kicking as much. Instead, your baby's probably stretching, rolling a chip and fluctuant — all of which you'll be able to feel!

Practicing for birth

So what's keeping your trivial i decorated while waiting it out until delivery day? Practice, practice, practice.

Right now, your tiny superstar is rehearsing for his large debut, simulating breathing by inhaling and exhaling amniotic fluid, sucking his thumb, blinking and pivoting from side to side. One twenty-four hours yous feel his bottom on the left side, the next information technology's flipped around to the right!

Baby's head is huge!

Here's an interesting fact: At nativity, your baby'southward head — which, past the way, is still growing — will be roughly the aforementioned circumference equally his chest.

And guess what's making a quite-literal impression these days on those shoulders and hips? Fat — causing niggling dimples in those cute elbows, knees and shoulders, along with creases and folds in the cervix and wrists.

Your Body at Week 37

37 Weeks Pregnant

Dilation and effacement

It'southward anyone's estimate when your baby will decide to make his advent — volition he be sociably early, fashionably belatedly or right on time? — but that doesn't stop your practitioner from guessing when labor will begin.

Just what is your physician looking for? First, for dilation, or how far your cervix has opened. Specifically, your cervix needs to open to x centimeters for the baby to pass through into the nascence canal.

Your wellness care provider is also looking cervical ripeness — aka the consistency of the cervix. It starts out being business firm like the tip of your nose, so softens to the same texture as the inside of your cheek before labor. Side by side, your practitioner volition check for effacement, or how thin your neck is; it'll be 100 per centum effaced before y'all push your baby out.

The position of your cervix, which moves from the back to the front equally labor approaches, volition also be assessed. And last only not to the lowest degree, your doctor or midwife volition mensurate the position of the infant in relation to your pelvis. The lower downwards your baby is, the closer you are to commitment.

Although it all sounds very scientific, it's actually not. These processes can occur gradually, over a period of weeks or fifty-fifty a month or more in some women — or overnight.

And so while they're clues that you're indeed progressing, they're far from sure bets when information technology comes to pinpointing the bodily start of labor. You tin can be very dilated and not have your babe for weeks. Or your cervix can be high and closed during an exam ane morning, only to be open up and set up for business organisation — and labor — by noon.

Perineal massage

You already know about the heed-trunk benefits of massage — but have you heard of perineal massage?

Yep, it sounds — and can feel — a little bad-mannered, just perineal massage may aid to gently stretch your perineum, the expanse of skin between your vagina and rectum, which in plow tin minimize the "stinging" that occurs when a baby's head crowns during childbirth. It may as well help you avoid an episiotomy and tearing.

If you want to requite information technology a shot, information technology's best non to DIY it the first fourth dimension. Seek out a pelvic floor therapist, who can show you how to do it correct. (Discussion to the wise: Be gentle.) Once you know what you lot're doing, you tin can keep up the skillful work — or have your practitioner take over during labor itself.

Pregnancy Symptoms Week 37

Changes in fetal activeness

By the time your baby's head is engaged in your pelvis, he'll have a lot less room for any more than a twist or squirm. What's important is that you feel some movement every day. Call up, though, that your baby is behaving similar a newborn now and has interludes of deep sleep, when he barely moves at all. Read More

Heartburn or indigestion

If your heartburn is getting worse these days, try eating a handful of almonds. Other habitation remedies that may blackball the burn down: a tablespoon of honey in warm milk or some dried papaya. Read More

Encarmine bear witness

A pinkish- or brown-tinged mucous belch means that the blood vessels in the neck are rupturing as the cervix dilates in grooming for labor and delivery — it won't be long now! Read More

Varicose veins

If the veins in your legs are acting up at present, effort sleeping on your left side, which is the best position for optimum circulation. Likewise effort elevating your legs by putting a pillow under your feet. Both positions will keep the blood flowing. Read More

Pelvic pain

If your baby's head is pressing into your pelvis, hips and bladder, you'll feel more pressure as the week wears on. If yous feel really uncomfortable, invest in a sling that will back up the weight of your breadbasket and accept pressure off your back and pelvis. Read More

Leg cramps

If leg cramps are making a misery of your nights, try drinking more fluids during the day and make certain yous're eating enough magnesium and calcium. And those almonds you're munching for the heartburn? Those will come in handy here, too. Read More

Stretch marks

With your boobs and belly as large every bit they've ever been, you've probably noticed those classic marks of maternity by now. Don't worry, they'll fade and plow into a bluecoat of pride (or at least motherhood!) a few months after childbirth. Read More

Breast changes

Your innie probably became an outie weeks agone, but you may notice that your nipples are also popping now — all the better for a newborn to latch on when nursing. Read More

Pregnancy encephalon

In that location are and then many things to proceed track of now that information technology's no wonder you're walking around in a fog. Is the camera charged and packed? Do you have a infant outfit done and ready to bring to the hospital? How many dinners are stocked in the freezer? Mail service reminders effectually the house and on your computer so you won't forget anything important. Read More


You've heard that pregnancy insomnia is Mother Nature's mode of preparing you lot for the sleepless nights ahead, but attempt to squeeze in some close-centre then yous have enough energy for childbirth and beyond. Slumber in a niggling longer, nap when yous come up habitation afterward work or on weekends and give yourself a relaxing routine when it's time for bed. Read More

Tips for Yous This Week

End baby'south nursery

Fewer than 5 pct of babies arrive on their due engagement, so don't assume you have three weeks to go through your to-practise list and get the plant nursery set.

Focus on the bigger tasks, similar assembling the crib — it takes longer than you think — arranging the changing table stocked with diapers and wipes, and carrying in the rocking or glider chair if you're planning on nursing (or just snuggling). Make certain to become aid with whatever of the heavy lifting from your partner or a close friend or family member.

Don't get crazy, though. You have enough to practise — and your baby won't intendance what color the walls are painted.

Slow weight gain is normal

Not gaining the pound a week you lot've come to expect during the 3rd trimester? That's okay. You may not gain whatsoever weight at all during the terminal month.

Stretch out your meals

Feeling more swollen than ever? You can blame the pregnancy hormone progesterone for slowing down your digestion — which and then leads to bloating and cramping.

I way to beat the bloat: Eat your meals slowly. When you scarf down your lunch in five minutes flat, you swallow more than just nutrient. You too swallow a lot of air, which will and so settle into your tummy as gas bubbles.

Get an exercise ball

Looking for a expert belatedly-pregnancy conditioning? Go on the brawl! An exercise ball is a safe and effective tool for strengthening your core muscles during pregnancy. And looking non-too-far ahead, it can also provide welcome relaxation and concrete relief during pregnancy and labor.

Choose a high-quality ball made from flare-up-resistant material, and be certain you purchase the right size for your height: 22 inches (55 centimeters) for those shorter than v-foot-3, and 26 inches (65 centimeters) for those taller (though bank check the instructions to be certain).

Stay sane while yous rest

Here are some things you can do if you're on bed rest: Stock a mini-fridge or cooler with lots of water, fruit, yogurt, cheese and sandwiches. Be sure the phone, magazines, books and TV remote are all inside arm's reach.

Try to establish a routine — even if the highlight is a soak in a tepid tub, then a nap or a forenoon on the couch, and so an afternoon in bed. You'll feel a trivial meliorate if you give the day some sort of structure.

Keep your eyes on the prize. Frame one of your ultrasound pictures and know that you are simply starting the parenting process a little earlier than most, doing what's all-time for your child fifty-fifty if information technology's a hardship for you lot.

Call up: Every day you stay in bed or off your feet is one more mean solar day your babe stays inside you, giving him the all-time chance at existence born salubrious and strong.

Make a abdomen cast

Belly casts date back to aboriginal times when they were used to commemorate the miracle of life. These do-it-yourself plaster replicas are easy and fun to brand. Just sit back as your chosen ones utilize strips of wet plaster onto your belly (it normally dries within fifteen minutes).

Once the cast is dry, decorate and brandish equally y'all like. (Is the dining room table too prominent a spot?) You'll find many resource online; simply type "belly cast" into a search engine and sculpt away.

Practice using your baby gear

You have the car seat, the stroller, the playard and the rest of the infant gear — at present all you demand is an bodily babe. Earlier your little i makes that large arrival, grab an unwitting (and willing) baby stand-in — a doll, blimp animal or even a very patient pet (inside reason!) — and make a few exercise runs.

Try strapping dolly into the car seat or strolling teddy effectually in your hallway, holding the petty bundle in ane manus while folding upwardly the stroller in the other. If you experience silly using a simulated baby, don't use anything at all. But do practice. You'll feel more prepared when information technology's showtime!

From the What to Expect editorial team and Heidi Murkoff, author ofWhat to Expect When Y'all're Expecting. What to Expect follows strict reporting guidelines and uses only credible sources, such every bit peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions and highly respected health organizations. Learn how nosotros go on our content accurate and up-to-date by reading our medical review and editorial policy.

  • What to Expect When You're Expecting, fifth edition, Heidi Murkoff.
  •, How Much Weight You Should Gain During Pregnancy, October 2020.
  •, Your Guide to Pregnancy Hormones, January 2021.
  •, Space-Saving Tips for Babe'south Nursery, Baronial 2020.
  •, Taking Baths While Pregnant, June 2021.
  •, Ab Exercises That Are Rubber and Benign During Pregnancy, June 2018.
  •, How to Purchase a Infant Stroller, Dec 2020.
  • American Academy of Pediatrics, Offset Month: Physical Appearance and Growth, August 2009.
  • American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, How to Tell When Labor Begins, May 2020.
  • American Higher of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, How Your Fetus Grows During Pregnancy, Baronial 2020.
  • Periodical of Midwifery and Women'south Health, Perineal Massage in Pregnancy, January 2016.
  • KidsHealth From Nemours, Your Newborn'southward Growth, October 2018.
  • March of Dimes, What Is Total Term? September 2018.
  • Mayo Clinic, Bed Rest During Pregnancy: Get the Facts, February 2020.
  • Mayo Dispensary, Muscle Cramp, March 2021.
  • Mayo Clinic, Stages of Labor and Birth: Baby, It'southward Time!, February 2020.
  • National Institutes of Health, National Library of Medicine, Am I In Labor?, June 2021.
  • National Institutes of Health, National Library of Medicine, National Eye for Biotechnology Data, Length of Human Pregnancy and Contributors to Its Natural Variation, October 2013.
  • National Institutes of Health, National Library of Medicine, National Center for Biotechnology Data, Perineal Massage in the Weeks Leading Up to Commitment Helps Some Women Avert Episiotomy, March 2006.
  • National Institutes of Health, National Library of Medicine, Your Baby in the Birth Canal, June 2021.
  • The Global Library of Women's Medicine, The Normal Neonate: Cess of Early Physical Findings, April 2009.
  • U.S. Section of Health and Human Services, Office on Women'south Wellness, Labor and Birth, June 2018.

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