Police Pulled My Brother Over Again Today

This list of phrasal verbs is past no means complete. Information technology is a guide to phrasal verbs that should exist familiar to a person making an attempt at an FCE exam. If you desire to larn phrasal verbs, yous should always endeavour to utilize them, not but memorize. Make sentences with phrasal verbs, effort to detect non-phrasal synonyms, try to make lists of phrasal verbs connected with a particular topic (eg. travelling: to set off, to see sb off, to pull in/up, to take off etc.) or utilize whatsoever other exercise that volition brand you call up.

Czasowniki oznaczone south� symbolami:
(int) (intransitive) - czasownik nieprzechodni, np. look out (no object!)
(tr) (transitive) - czasownik przechodni, np. expect after sb/sth

account for (tr) explain satisfactorily. He couldn't account for this expense. There's no bookkeeping for tastes. permit for (tr) have into account, make actress room /time for sth. Allowing for traffic jams we shall get there merely before midnight. answer (sb) back (int) answer in an boorish style. Don't answer me back, just answer the question. ask sb out (int) invite sb to a meal or amusement (compare eat out) back out (int) withdraw, alter a positive decision. He first promised to help me but so backed out. back sb/sth upwards 1) back up sb morally or verbally 2) make a security copy of a estimator file. Poprze�, robi� kopi� bezpiecze�stwa. be about to (int) be on the point of He was about to go out when the phone rang. be after (tr) chase The constabulary were after the thief. be down with (tr) be ill with; become downwardly with John is down with the flu. be for (tr) be in favour of (opp: be against) They are(all) for the proposal to build a leisure centre. be in for (tr) await sth, usu bad We are in for bad weather be off (tr) be absent-minded from school/work John isn't in his office. He's off for two days. be on (tr) be shown on Television set, at the cinema/ theatre etc At that place's a good film on at the Metro. be out one)(int) be unfashionable Long skirts are out this flavour.two)(int) (of light/burn down) accept stopped burning. The fire is out - that's why it's common cold in here. be over (int) have finished The film starts at 8.00 and volition be over at 10.00. exist through with (int) accept concluded a human relationship/ task etc I'm through with Tom; he'due south so selfish. be up to ane)(tr) exist capable of Let'southward accept the train - I don't call back I'm up to driving so far. 2)(tr) (want) to do sth wrong or mischievous The children must be up to something - they're very quiet. be up to sb exist sb'due south duty. It is up to the police to keep order in the boondocks. break down i)(int) (of machinery) cease working The automobile broke downwards then we missed the ferry. 2)(int) (of a person) lose control of feelings. She broke down when she was told her male parent was dead. 3)(int) fail (talks/negotiations etc) Negotiations bankrupt down and war was declared. 4)(tr) divide (usually a list or numbers) under headings He bankrupt the listing down into categories. break in (int) enter by force or illegally Burglars broke in and stole my jewellery. break into 1)(tr) enter past force He broke into the villa and stole some money. 2)(tr) interrupt He broke into their conversation to enquire something. pause off (tr) end a relationship/agreement Sue broke off her date to Jim. break out 1)(int) brainstorm suddenly (war etc) War broke out betwixt the two countries. 2) escape by using force from a prison pause through (int) (tr) accelerate (in spite of opposition) American scientists broke through analyzing the genetic lawmaking. Dokona� prze�omu lub przedrze� si� przez co� interruption to (tr) tell (usu bad news) to sb in a kind style He had to suspension the bad news to John break upwardly one)(int) stop for holidays (school etc) Schools break upwardly on the 23rd for Christmas. 2)(int) end a relationship Jane and Steve don't go out any more; they bankrupt up . bring about (tr) cause to happen The cyberspace brought about a great change in communications. bring effectually/round (tr) ane) make sb change their opinion 2) (also bring to) to cause to regain consciousness The nurse managed to bring around the unconscious driver. ocuci� bring back (tr) cause to recollect This tune brings back the old good days. bring down (tr) cause to fall The taxation increment brought down our regime (at last). bring forward (tr) move sth to an earlier appointment or fourth dimension The exam date was brought frontward by a week. bring in (tr) 1) introduce ii) create profit/money The sales brought in £200 in greenbacks. bring on (tr) cause, usu sth unpleasant His laziness brought on his getting sacked at last. bring out (tr) put on the market The new shampoo will be brought out next March. bring upward 1)(tr) raise a child She was brought up past her grandmother equally her parents were abroad. 2)(tr) mention/innovate a subject area Who volition bring upthis subject during our coming together? call for 1)(tr) need, require Our present difficulties phone call for a strategy re-thinking.two) visit a identify to collect sb or sth. Wpa�� po kogo�/co�. call in one)(int) visit briefly She called in last Monday to see our new firm. 2)(tr) ask sb to perform some service. Wezwa� kogo�, np. lekarza. telephone call off (tr) cancel The lucifer was called off due to bad weather. telephone call on sb (tr) visit formally Our representative volition call on your company next Tuesday. telephone call out (tr) officially social club to come up to sb'due south aid All fire-fighters were called out to relieve the burning building. remember 1)(tr) (BrE) order to bring together the army Thousands of young men were called up during Earth War I 2)(tr) (AmE) to telephone sb exist carried away be very excited Don't become carried abroad by your own success. carry off (tr) handle a difficult situation successfully She carried her voice communication off well. carry on (with) (tr) proceed with Carry on with your work whiie I am out. carry out (tr) perform an experiment, duty etc. They carried out some tests to run into the effects of the new drug. Wykona�, przeprowadzi�. carry through complete successfully We managed to conduct our researchthrough despite the difficulties. come across (tr) find/see by chance Approximate what! I came across Mary in the street this morning. Natkn�� si� (por. bump/run into - natkn�� si�, wpa�� na kogo�) come by (tr) obtain (both in good and bad sense) He came by a lot of bad wounds when he tried to tease the dog. come down to (int) be passed on to sb by inheritance This house came downward to her after her rich aunt died. come downwardly with (tr) become ill; go downward with I'm sure I'thousand coming downwards with the influenza. come into (tr) inherit He came into £ 150,000 after his rich aunt died. come off (int) succeed Despite all his planning the deal didn't come up off. come out 1)(int) (of flowers) begin to blossom Roses come out in summer. 2)(int) be published Whenorth does her due northew book come up out? three)(int) (of stains) exist able to exist removed Thisouthward due westine stain will come up out if yous let it soak in warm water. come circular 1)(int) visit casually Come circular whenever you are in our urban center. ii)(int) regain consciousness The patient came circular nigh immediately after the operation. come to (tr) corporeality to a total The bill came to £14. come up i)(int) be mentioned This problem came up during our meeting. 2)(tr) arise; occur Such an opportunity comes upwardly in one case in a lifetime. come up up to i)(tr) approach A strange man came up to me and asked me for money. 2)(tr) equal; be up to (expectations) Children often are irritable because they tin can't come up to their parents' expectations. come up with (tr) detect (an answer, solution etc) Our secretary often comes upwardly with the best way to solve simple problems. cutting across (tr) accept a shorter fashion Cut beyond this field if you're in a hurry, but exercise mind the bull! cut back (on) (tr) reduce (expenses, production) (compare cut downward on ) We must cutting dorsum on eating out; we just tin't beget information technology. cut downwardly (on) (tr) reduce (especially efforts or food) Yous must cut down on eating if you desire to lose weight. cut in i)(int) move suddenly in front of some other machine A auto cutting in and forced u.s. to slow downward. 2)(int) interrupt Would you mind non cutting in until I've finished speaking? cutting into (tr) interrupt The children kept cutting into our conversation. cut off 1)(tr) disconnect Our electricity was cut off as nosotros didn't pay the pecker on fourth dimension. ii)(tr) isolate (usu places) The flood cut off the hamlet for a week. cutting out (tr) omit Your article is fine provided yous cut out the third paragraph. be cutting out for/to be = be suited for (a profession) I don't think I'm cut out for pedagogy/to be a instructor - I haven't got enough patience. cut up (tr) cutting into minor pieces Cut upwards the meat for Johnny - otherwise he won't exist able to eat it. practice away with (tr) cancel Well-nigh countries have done away with capital punishment. do down (tr) speak badly of sb Nobody likes him because he is ever doing people down. do in (tr) kill He threatened to exercise her in if she didn't cooperate do up (tr) fasten; tie Practise up your jacket; information technology's common cold. practise with (tr) want I could do with a cup of tea. practise without (tr) live or continue without having sth/sb There'due south no Coke left - we'll accept to practice without. draw back 1)(tr) be unwilling to fulfil a promise; pull back Although he had promised to help u.s., he drew back at the last minute. ii)(int) move abroad On seeing the snake she drew dorsum in terror. draw in (int) (of a motorcoach/railroad train) arrive at a station; pull in The train drew in and the passengers began to get off. draw out 1)(tr) encourage sb to be less shy He's very shy; someone should describe him out. ii)(tr) take money out of a bank account He drew out thenme money to pay his rent. draw up 1) (of a vehicle) finish The limo drew up outside the mansion and the millionaire got out. ii)(tr) write out (will, list, contract etc) My grandfather had a solicitor describe upwardly his will last year eat out
ane) have a meal outside one'due south home 2) idiomatic: consume i's centre out (for sth) - to be very unhappy considering of unfulfilled desires. Nie dawa� sobie spokoju z powodu czego�.
fall apart (int) come up to pieces My car is so sometime that information technology'due south literally falling apart. fall back on turn to sb/sth for help when other plans have failed Nosotros need some extra money to fall back on if I lose my job! fall behind (int) fail to keep up with The company cancelled my credit card when I fell backside with my payments. fall for 1)(tr) fall in love with sb George cruel for Mary at first sight. 2)(tr) exist deceived Everybody fell for the conman's lies. fall in (int) collapse I'grand afraid the roof volition fall in if an convulsion hits the area. fall in with =(tr) concord with All members of the commission fell in with his proposition to build a new hospital. autumn into (tr) 1) be divided into (categories) Man, together with monkeys and cats falls into the category of mammals. 2)(tr) begin; enter a state I fell into chat with an interesting man on the train. fall on 1)(tr) attack The raider fell on the policeman. 2)(tr) eat hungrily The children fell on the block and ate all of it. fall out (with) quarrel When thieves fall out, honest men get their own (significant: go back their property) autumn through (int) fail to be completed Our plans cruel through due to lack of coin. go across (tr) successfully communicate ideas The teacher got his message across by using diagrams and photographs. become along (int) continue despite difficulties She is getting along fine despite all her problems. get forth with (tr) be on friendly terms; go on with My parentsget along with each other despite many everyday squabbles . get at (int) hateful I don't know what you're getting at , speak clearer. become abroad with (tr) escape punishment for awrongful, illegal act He got away with a fine of only £5. get back (tr) recover possession of She managed to go back the ring she had lost two months before. get down 1)(tr) swallow with difficulty I tin can't get this steak downward. Information technology's very tough. 2)(tr) depress This rainy weather gets me down. get downward to (tr) start doing sth seriously It'southward time you got down to looking for a improve job. go on 1)(tr) enter (jitney, railroad train etc) Get on the bus before it starts. 2)(int) brand progress He's getting on well at school. get on with (tr) exist on (good) terms with She gets on well with her friend Lucy get out (int) (of news) become known How did the news of his promotion become out? go over (tr) recover from He's trying hard to get over the death of his married woman. become round ane)(tr) persuade; bring round Nosotros eventually got him round to our point of view. 2) find some clever solution to a difficulty. Obej�� jak�� trudno��, przepis itp. get round to (tr) = notice fourth dimension to do sth I haven't got circular to writing that letter still. get through i)(tr) stop (a slice of work) I've got to become through this affiliate before I go out. ii)(int) keep living through difficult times How can onetime people get through the cold winters? get through to (tr) accomplish past telephone Did yous get through to your dentist or will you call him afterward? become up (int) rise from bed What time did you get upwardly today? requite away ane)(tr) reveal Promise not to requite away my clandestine. two)(tr) give sth free of charge She gave away most of her clothes to the poor. give dorsum (tr) return You must always requite back the books before the stop of the term. give in (int) surrender; yield He finally gave in and admitted he was wrong. (compare give up, which tin can exist transitive and means you actually surrender to your enemy and not just stop fighting/arguing) Ust�pi�, zrezygnowa� z dalszej walki requite off (tr) emit (smells, heat, fumes etc) Theastward radiators give off lots of heat. give out 1)(int) come to an terminate Their supplies gave out halfway through the climb. 2)(tr) distribute They were giving out costless samples of the new shampoo at the supermarket. give up i)(tr) abandon an attempt/habit He gave up smoking last year and hasn't smoked since. 2)(int) (tr) surrender The thieves gave themselves upwards to the police. Podda� si� komu�, da� za wygran� go after (tr) pursue The policeman went after the thief and caught him. go ahead (int) exist allowed to happen Although several members were absent, the board meeting went ahead as planned. get away (int) stop; terminate If you take an aspirin, your headache will become away. become back on (tr) break a promise/understanding Although he had promised to assistance us, he went back on his word. go past (tr) base one'due south ideas on, have equally true You shouldn't go by what he says - he e'er exaggerates. get down with (tr) become ill John has gone down with flu. get for 1)(tr) attack A big Alsatian went for my little canis familiaris. 2)(tr) apply for (a job) Why don't yous go for this chore? Yous may become it. become in for (tr) take role in (a competition) She went in for the baking competition and won get-go prize. go off ane)(int) explode (bomb) The bomb went off, killing 10 people. ii) band (alarm) When the warning went off she woke up and got out of bed. 3)(int) (of food) spoil The milk has gone off; it smells terrible. go on 1)(int) keep; carry on. Go on, cease what you were saying. 2)(int) happen A large crowd gathered to see what was going on. leave (int) stop called-for Put some coaI on the burn before information technology goes out. become over 1)(tr) examine details; get through The police went over/through the evidence many times trying to come upward with something. 2)(tr) repeat Go over the details over again delight. I wasn't following you lot. go round 1)(int) exist enough for everyone to have a share At that place'due south enough food to go round. two) (int) (news/disease) spread; circulate; get round The news went round very apace. go through one) (tr) feel She went through a painful time when her mother died. two)(int) (of a deal/organization) be completed with success Has the sale of your flat gone through yet? 3)(tr) discuss in item They went through his suggestions again earlier making a decision. become up (int) rise (price) The price of meat went up once again yesterday. go with (tr) match This jumper really goes with your skirt. get without (tr) endure the lack of sth; practise without Since they had run out of lemonade, they had to go without. agree back 1)(tr) control (tears, laughter) She tried to agree back her tears and not cry in front end of her mum. 2)(int) hesitate Don't hold dorsum; take the opportunity while it'southward there. concord in (tr) restrain He held his acrimony in and didn't shout at the boy. concur off (int) keep at a distance The police held off the crowd until the troops arrived. hold on (int) look (esp on the telephone) Please agree on; Mr Mathews is on the other line. hold out 1)(int) concluding The food supplies won't hold out until Monday so nosotros'll have to find some food before then. 2)(int) persist The miners held out for 18 months before they called off the strike. hold to (tr) follow exactly; continue to (a promise etc) Whatever y'all say, I'll hold to my opinion. agree upwardly 1)(tr) filibuster Sad we're belatedly; we were held up in traffic. 2)(tr) use violence in order to rob The robbers held upwardly the train and stole £22,000. proceed later on (tr) continue to pursue The police kept later on the escaped prisoners until they defenseless them. keep abroad (from) (tr) stay away She had to be kept away from schoolhouse as she had measles. keep back (tr) muffle How did she manage to keep dorsum her true feelings? keep downward (tr) cause to remain at a lower level The government is trying to keep prices downwardly. keep in (tr) brand sb stay indoors (equally penalty) The teacher kept us in for misbehaving in class. keep off (tr) stay away from; avoid Keep off thegrass! keep on (int) keep despite difficulties Although he failed his test, he kept on studying and retook it in May. go along out (tr) exclude sb/sth He locked the gate to go on out unwanted visitors. keep up (with) (tr) stay at the aforementioned level equally sb/sth Despite being ill he kept up with his work and passed the exam. keep up with (tr) proceed to be informed He reads a newspaper every day to keep up with the news. let down 1)(tr) (of clothes) lengthen (opp: accept up) I need to allow down my skirt; it'due south as well short. 2)(tr) disappoint He let me down past lying to me. let in(to) allow sb to enter a place They let us into the room after we showed them our invitation card. allow sb in for sth (tr) (breezy) to crusade to take or experience something undesirable By helping you lot I allow myself in for existence asked a lot of stupid questions from everybody. let off (tr) non to punish The policeman allow him off without arresting him. let on (int) reveal a hush-hush He let on that she had stolen the coin. allow out 1)(tr) release He was permit out of prison later on 10 years. 2)(tr) (of dress) make larger (opp: take in) I take to have my trousers let out; I've gained several kilos. let up (int) go less stiff The boats won't sheet until the stiff winds permit upwardly. look subsequently (tr) take care of My mother looks after my son when I'grand working. await back (on) (tr) consider the past My grandfather looks back on his army days with pleasure. await downwardly on (tr) despise (opp: look up to) She looks down on John considering he isn't rich. look forward to (tr) conceptualize with pleasure I'm reaIIy looking forward to my blood brother'southward wedding ceremony. look in on sb (tr) pay a short visit to I'll look in on my mother on my mode domicile. look into (tr) investigate The law are looking into the instance of the smuggled diamonds. look on (int) notice He was just looking on while the other two were playing. przygl�da� si� look out (int) be careful Await out! At that place's a car coming. look out for (tr) be warning in order to see/discover sb/ sth When yous're cleaning the flat, please look out for my silver earring. I lost it somewhere. look over (tr) examine advisedly; become through The guess looked over the show before passing sentence. look round (tr) audit a place He looked circular many houses before he settled on this one. await through (tr) look at rapidly Await through these books and see if you want any of them. await up (tr) look for sth in an appropriate book/listing If yous don't know a word you can ever look information technology upwards in the lexicon. be fabricated for suit exactly Buy this wearing apparel - it'southward but made for you lot. make for (tr) get towards She made for the door quickly when she heard the knocking make out 1)(tr) distinguish The fog is then thick that I tin't make out if at that place are whatsoever cars ahead. ii) (tr) write out; make full in Please brand the bank check out to Norman Brothers Ltd. make over (tr) give possession of sth to sb else Before their uncle died he made over his whole estate to them. make upwardly i)(tr) invent That is not truthful; she made the whole matter upward. 2)(tr) put cosmetics on She fabricated herself up before she went out. iii)(int) reconcile Thank goodness they've fabricated up after their quarrel. brand up for compensate If y'all don't learn now, you'll accept to make up for the lost time during the vacation. nadrobi� co� determine determine I tin can't brand up my listen whether to larn English or Arabic. laissez passer away (int) die I'm sorry to tell you your aunt passed away concluding nighttime. pass off equally (tr) pretend to be sth/sb else successfully The countess passed herself off as a poor girl in lodge to deceive the prince. pass out (int) lose consciousness A drug addictpassed out in the city square and the police had to bring him into the hospital. pay back 1)(tr) return coin owed I promise I'll pay you back as soon as I go paid. ii)(tr) take revenge on sb I promise I'll pay yous back 1 twenty-four hour period for what y'all did to my family unit. pay down (tr) pay part of the price for sth and the rest over a period of fourth dimension We paid £100 down and the remainder over a catamenia of 6 months. pay for (tr) receive punishment All criminals should pay for their crimes. pay off (tr) pay sb to leave employment They paid off all their senior management in an attempt to restructure the visitor. pay upwards (tr) pay (a debt) in full Every bit I hadn't paid my monthly instalments the company requested me to pay up the balance. pull down (tr) demolish They pulled down the erstwhile building as it was unsafe. pull in (int) (of trains) arrive (opp: pull out) The train from Ciechocinek is due to pull in at ii.30 pm. Wjecha� na peron (of cars) to plough towards the side of the road an perhaps to cease Zjecha� na bok pull oneself together bring one's feelings nether command The headmaster was really angry but he pulled himself together and went on speaking. pull through (int) succeed despite difficulties If all employees work harder, the company will definitely pull through. pull up terminate The jockey pulled the horse up as it had an injured leg. put aside/by (tr) save He puts aside £70 a month to purchase a new motor bike. put across (tr) communicate successfully; become across/over The lecturer managed to put his ideas across to the audience. put away one)(tr) store Put the precious collectibles away in this safe. 2)(tr) put sb into prison/mental hospital The murderer was put abroad for 10 years. put down 1)(tr) write downwards; accept down Make sure yous take downward everything said at the meeting. ii)(tr) suppress forcibly The police try to put downward rioting at football matches.three)(tr) (euphemism) to kill an brute mercifully u�pi� zwierz� put down to (tr) attribute to She puts her contempo success down to hard work and dedication. put forward (tr) advise He put frontward a new plan to help decrease unemployment. put off (tr) postpone The meeting was put off due to the president's disease. put on one)(tr) dress oneself in Put on your all-time dress and allow's become dancing. ii) (tr) increase (in weight) He has put on weight since he stopped smoking. iii)(tr) crusade to have place (show/performance) They are putting on "My Fair Lady" on Broadway next calendar month put out (tr) extinguish (fire etc) The firefighters put out the burn down quickly. 2) cause trouble / promise l'm not putting y'all out by asking you to practice this. exist put out be annoyed She was put out past his bad behaviour. put through (tr) connect past phone Canorth you put me through to Mr Jones, please? put upwards 1)(tr) enhance into position; build They've put upwards a statue in the square. two)(tr) offer hospitality When you are in boondocks, I'll put y'all up in my flat. three)(tr) testify in a public place The WWF has put up posters all round the metropolis (opposite have downwardly) put up with (tr) tolerate I won't put upward with such rude behaviour any longer. encounter/into (tr) meet/observe by take a chance She ran beyond an quondam friend white on holiday. run subsequently (tr) chase The dog ran after the cat run away with (tr) steal The thieves ran away with £fifteen,000,000 from the banking company. run downwards 1)(tr) knock down (with a vehicle); run over The sometime man was run down/over by a bus. 2)(tr) speak badly of sb (do sb down)You shouldn't run downwardly your sister; you've got no reason to criticise her. run in (tr) bring a new auto engine into full use (past driving information technology slowly for a set period) I tin can't become whatever faster; I'thousand running the car in. dociera� samoch�d run out of (tr) no longer have a supply We've run out of coffee. Could y'all buy some when you go out? run through i)(tr) use up lf'southward unbelievable; he has run through all his money already. two)(tr) rehearse, check or revise rapidly Permit'south run through the last scene once more. run up (tr) accumulate He ran up a huge debt on his credit carte du jour which he couldn't pay off. stitch against (tr) encounter (difficulties/opposition) He ran upwardly against difficulties when he tried to enter the land without a visa. see about (tr) deal with; see to I'll see most the food if you get the table prepare. run into off (tr) back-trail a traveller to his/her plane, railroad train etc When she left for Berlin her parents saw her off at the station. odwie��, odprowadzi� kogo�, kto wyje�d�a run across out (tr) accompany sb to the door/go out of a house/building Don't bother to see me out, I tin find my own way. odprowadzi� practice drzwi run across over (tr) inspect a place; look round Can I see over the flat before I brand my decision? come across through (tr) not be deceived The general fabricated his troops look in ambush, just the enemy saw through his plans. set well-nigh (tr) brainstorm to do He set up about fixing the door while she cleaned the house. set aside 1)(tr) save for a special purpose She sets bated £20 a calendar week to buy a car. 2)(tr) stop sth for some time; prepare by She had to set the study aside until she had dealt with the correspondence. set back 1) move the hands of a clock/lookout to show an before fourth dimension We ordinarily gear up the clocks back one hr at the offset of autumn. 2)(tr) hinder The fire has fix our plans back. set in (int) (of weather) start and seem likely to continue The summer sets in, days are hot and long. gear up off/out (int) showtime a journey We'll ready off/out for the drome at 6 am. set on (tr) (cause to) assault He threatened to ready the dogs on u.s.a. if nosotros didn't leave. set sb upwards (tr) cause sb to receive blame Although he knew someone had prepare him up, he couldn't testify it. set to (int) begin working hard Become the duster and set to; there'south lots of work to exercise earlier our visitors get in. set upwardly 1)(tr) start a business He left his job to fix his own business. 2)(tr) establish (a record etc) He gear up up a new record in triple jump. stand by 1)(tr) support sb, esp in difficulties When the night falls, stand by me, darling! two) (int) be ready for action The army was standing by in case war broke out. stand for ane)(tr) represent Do you know what this letter A stands for? ii)(tr) tolerate; put up with We won't stand for his rude behaviour any longer. stand in for (tr) replace sb temporarily Since John is ill I'll stand in for him tonight at work. stand out (int) be noticeable She really stands out wearing that pink suit. stand up 1)(int) ascension to ane's feet Stand up and comeastward over here. ii)(tr) neglect to meet We were supposed to meet at eleven.00 but he stood me up. stand up for (tr) back up You ought to southtand up for your friends when people criticise them, stand upwardly to (tr) resist The building has been reinforced to stand upwardly to earthquakes. have later on (tr) resemble She takes after her mother. She looks and acts but similar her. take away (tr) remove May / take away the dirty dishes at present? take back (tr) apologise He took back his remarks near her cooking because she was plainly upset. take for (tr) identify wrongly Sorry, I took yous for your blood brother. I always mix y'all up. have in 1)(tr) requite adaptation Seaside villagers often have in tourists as paying guests. 2)(tr) make dress narrower (opp: allow out) I'm much thinner at present, I should really have my wearing apparel in. three)(tr) fully understand Have yous taken in the instructions? take off 1)(tr) remove wearing apparel (opp: put on) Allow'due south take off our jackets and go for a swim. ii)(int) (of planes) go out the ground (opp: come down) The airplane took off and we saw the upper-case letter from the air. 3) (tr) imitate, especially for entertainment Don'ttake off your teachers!. 4)(tr) (of time) take time as a holiday I must take a day off to go and collect all my insurance documents. take on 1)(tr) undertake work/responsibility. Wzi�� jaki� obowi�zek na siebie 2)(tr) employ The manufactory is taking on new workers correct now. 3)(tr) to set on sb, start a quarrel with sb. Postawi� si� komu�, zmierzy� si� z kim� accept out 1)(tr) remove The dentist took out my bad tooth. 2)(tr) clean (marking, dirt) Employ this spray to take out the stain. take over (tr) gain command of sth I day or another Beak Gates will accept over the whole figurer world. have to 1)(tr) begin a habit I don't know why she's taken to bitter her nails. ii)(tr) like She has really taken to her nephew and e'er buys him expensive presents. take up ane)(tr) brainstorm a hobby, sport, job When he retired, he took up sailing as a hobby. 2)(tr) make full (time, infinite) This sofa takes upwardly most of the living room. be taken aback be strongly surprised We were taken ashamed by the nasty smell coming from the firm. be taken in (tr) be deceived She was taken in past the conman and bought a fake insurance policy. turn away (tr) refuse admittance They tried to enter the pub but they were turned away at the door. turn downwardly one)(tr) refuse an offer He proposed to her but she turned him down. 2)(tr) reduce loudness (opp: turn up) Could yous decline the radio a piddling? I can't hear him on the telephone. turn in 1)(int) go to bed It's tardily and I'yard tired. I'd better plow in. 2) (tr) requite to the police They turned the thief in to the police. turn off (tr) switch off (opp: plow on) Plow off the iron before you exit. turn out 1)(tr) produce Our factory turns out 100 cars a 24-hour interval. 2) (int) prove to be He turned out to be the 1 who had stolen the money. plow over (int) plough to a new page; modify the TV aqueduct Now children, turn over to the adjacent page. turn to 1)(tr) go to sb for assist/advice When I'm in trouble I e'er turn to my brother. 2)(tr) brainstorm (a manner of life or doing sth) Why did he turn to drinking in the first place? plow upwardly one)(int) arrive or announced (unexpectedly) (zjawi� si�) If somebody doesn't plough up for a date, it means he stood you up. (wystawi� do wiatru) 2)(int) (of an opportunity) arise When a better job turned upwards she seized the hazard and applied for it. wear away (tr) (of woods/rock) reduce gradually We couldn't make out the names on the gravestone because the letters had been completely worn abroad. clothing down (tr) reduce opposition gradually A few weeks in solitary confinement will wear down the prisoner'southward resistance. wear off (int) stop gradually Your nervousness volition article of clothing off when the exams are over. wear out 1)(tr) exhaust I've worked and so hard today, I'grand worn out. 2)(int) utilise until no longer serviceable We'll have to replace this plug - information technology is completely worn out. zu�y� si� piece of work on (tr) have an effect on We have to check this new drug to see how information technology works on animals. work out 1)(tr) discover a solution to a problem by reasoning or calculation I'm certain nosotros tin work out our problems if nosotros talk about them. ii)(int) develop successfully I hope things will work out well for you in your new task. piece of work up (tr) develop I've been walking all day so I've worked up a really good appetite.


Source: http://www.macminer.opoka.org.pl/english/phrasal.html

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